ON A HAPPY NOTE: Studying at the prestigious Purcell school in Britain, Janell Yeo has been scoring straight As and is set to make her mark in the music world. -- PHOTO: BETTY CHUA FOR THE STRAITS TIMES
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I've shared with you the story of Janell Yeo in class. She is someone who has the courage to pursue her dreams of becoming a violinist at such a young age. Now, she's back in Singapore performing her first solo concert.
All of us dream of becoming somebody, owning something or doing something which we really want to do. Whatever it is, it will not be possible to realise our dream if we do not have a plan. In this week's reflection, I would like you to tell me about your dream. Here are some questions to guide you in your reflection:
a) What is your dream?
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?
c) How do you plan to realise your dream?
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Why?
Dream away..... :)
“To dream anything that you want to dream. That's the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do. That is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself to test your limits. That is the courage to succeed.”
.....Bernard Edmonds
a) What is your dream?Being a dentist.
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you? I can help every1 to look after their teeth
c) How do you plan to realise your dream? Besides working harder, I must also try to score good marks for my exams to get into a good school to study on medical sciences
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Yes. They would at least ahve a target to achieve and have a "Future Ready" mind to face challenges.
my dream is to be a nurse.
because i can help a lot of patients.
i can earn lots of money.
people will have dreams if not they could not success.
My dream is to travel around the world. This dream is important to me because I like to explore new places and experience different climates. To realise this dream, I plan to earn more money for the trip and find more information on the different countries that I want to go to. I will also read more books about the climates of different countries so that I will know what the weather will be like in the country I am going to.
I think people should have dreams so that everyone will have a goal in life. With a goal, people will work towards their goal by themselves instead of depending on others to help them.
i know this may sound weird but my dream is to become a doctor. i want to specialize in one area but am not so sure what area. maybe an orthopedic surgeon... i think that House and CSI played a part in my decision. other factors are my relatives. my granduncle, his son and his daughter-in-law are all doctors. my maternal grandparents really wanted my mum to be a doctor but it did not happen so i feel the responsibility to fulfill their dream and my parents dreams. i hope that i will be able to fulfill not only their dreams but my dreams too!!!!
1) I would like to represent Singapore in sports.[although i know it may not come true]
2) In the near future, i can represent Singapore in sports events.
3) Well, i have to start to train and build up my stamina.
4) Yes. When you have a dream then you will have the determination to work hard to achieve this dream.
... my dream is to pilot a f16 plane....
i can guard the skies around singapore to prevent hostile forces from attacking.
i plan to study hard and try to get new results to get to a good uni to learn aerospace engineering..
People should have dreams to motivate them to strive for the best. People without dreams will just wander and wander around.
a) I have many dreams. Really.
I would want to be either a stewardess, musician/singer or a entreprenuer(:
b) I would like to me a stewardess as i would like to travel around the world. Being a musician is not a thing anyone can do, So you need to have talent to do that & i think i have it (: Haaha. I would also like to set up my own shop selling bags/accessories/clothing/shoes
C)By defenitely working hard one the studies. Because with out my studies. i cannot do any of these things.
D) Defenitely. Without dreams, you would be leading a really boring life that you have nothing to do & daze around everyday even maybe with out a house by the roads.
Everyone should & will have a dream to become something one day.
( my one last wish is to be rich)
I know its weird and funny to have this dream,but that is what i want to do.My dream is to own a school and it will be the best school ever.Besides studing hard ,i need to have enough money.So before i have enough money,i think i will be a scientist and invent something to earn money.To do that,i need to be good in science .
Dream is important to anyone.dream will push you and give you energy to do work.I had read a story about a girl dream to be a star.She worked very hard auditioning and never give up.In the end,she is sucess.Nothing is impossible!
a) What is your dream?
my dream is being a cheft..
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?
the feeling of people people praising it it nice and i enjoy seeing people eating the dishes that i made.
c) How do you plan to realise your dream? i plan to work harder and get into a school that teaches us to cook.but if i can't get in,i will join cooking lessons and realise my dream.
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Yes i think that people should have their own dreams,it is important to have dreams because if a person does not have a dream ,life would be meaningless.
I want to be a scientist.I will keep Earth surviving for billons of year when Sun dose not exist.I will go to the library or internet to learn more about this world.Yes,if not people will not have a head start his journy to his goal.
My dream is to be a soccer player. I like to watch and play soccer and I want to play for Singapore. I need to train my stamina and improve my running speed.I think people should have dreams as dreams guide people to a goal.
My dream is to travel around the world with my family.I really wish to realise this dream of mine because my family and i love to go oversea but we just could'nt find time.Just imagine the different sight and food at different country makes us excited.
Inorder to realise this dream of mine, i have to work hard for my studies and earn sufficent money to travel the world.
Of course!Without dreams, people will not have a target in life and life will be meaningless of them:(
musicfreak1237i have many dreams. one of them is to be a world-class euphonium player.this is my interest and the only intersting part of my life ! it is also my hobby . having a dream that has somthing got to do with your hobby or interest is a brilliant idea.i plan to join the band all my school life.during primary school(which is aready acheived), secondary school, junior college or polytechnic to help me attain more experience and learn more technics which will be very useful to my goal .without a dream,there will be no goal or aim. in another words,no directions for your life.without goals and aims , you cannot go far. nor can you acheive much .but i think i am too ambitious.but i don't mind , cos i think it is always good to have some dreams. dreams play a really important part of your life. withuot anny dreams, you would not have any hopes nor anything that you would like to acheive. this is the most unrealistic dream.
i still have another dream.i want to be a teacher.i think this dream is 0% possibe now as i'm so bad at my studies.:( but well, like i've said, it is always fun to dream ! nothing is impossibe ! i think being a teacher can be really fun and a cool thing ! teaching cute little kids that might end up being the president, prime minister , senior mentor or even a entreupreneur that has a has a international famous company ! how fun and interesting !i am yuyan , by the way . :P
a) What is your dream?
My dream is too get into my dream school .
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?It leads me to the place and the school i would be attending after my secondary school life.
c) How do you plan to realise your dream?I will study hard . cut down on computer time and just concentrate on my studies
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Why? Yes . When people have dreams they will aim for their dreams .
My dream is to become an entrepreneur.It is important so that I can earn lots of money to give family a good life.I will study more about economy.yes.Then they will aim for their dreams and work hard.
a)My dream is to be a renown musician and artist.
b)it is important to me as i look at music and art as not only my hobby, but my passion and i really want to do well in eitheir or both.
c)i plan to pratice and perfect my skills and in the future, get into a good school for music and arts.
d)Yes. When people have dreams, we will have something to work towards and excel in. When people have dreams, they can acheive excellence.
My Dream is to become a pilot and work for the aviation industry. To achieve that dream, I need to study hard (which might be rather hard for a rather lazy person like me, but I will try as hard as I can!), especially in my languages, science and maths, and also hopefully get a place in a universityand study aerospace.(need that place in the university as pilots need at least a degree, hopefully I can get a dotorade)
My dream is to travel around the world :D i think it is important because , i lyk travelling around , learning different languages , and eating their tradition/famous food (:
To realise my dreams , i must study read hard to get a better job & then i can use the money which i've earn to travel around the world .
I think people should have his/her own dreams . Without any dreams , him/her would lead a boring life without any targets .
For me, my dream is to travel around the world with my friends and family.I would like to know more about other country and find out more what their local foods is.I would study hard and earn more money. Yes. I think that everyone should have dreams as they will try harder to aim for the dream.
My dream is to create a vaccine all disease so as to win the Noble Prize Award.I wish to fufil this dream as I was rather sickly as a child and had to be on medication constantly.I plan to fufil this dream by studying hard and getting into a certificate in medicine.
My dream is to be a journalist.This dream is very important to me because i like to write and i think that it is important for me to pursure my dreams.i plan to improve im my studies and try to write more often. yes. i believe that everyone should have dreams, that's what motivates a person to go further and they will also do better in life.
oh hi i wanted to be a nurse too. because there are a lot of unfortunate people than me so i wanted to help them. i must work hard so that i work there, i can loads of money. i think people have dreams to achieve what they want.
Being young, I have many dreams. I want to be a entreprenuer so as to travel around the world with my family.
I want to become a entreprenuer because to fufil a dream of my mother's. And because of that i have to be rich.
Besides working harder, i also had to listen to my teachers and parents, give my best in every thing i do and to achieve high marks for exams.
People should have dreams because if they dont they will not have anything to achieve and ,thus, will lead a boring life. If they dont have a dream they will
a)What is my dream?......become a scientist.
B)It is important because I like scince.
C)study hard for it and get into a goos school to study
D)Yes,because if a dream we can work hard for it.
My dream is to be someone who can make a big difference in this ever-changing world.I can influence people to change by being like influential superstars,like Brad Pitt who was able to help MILLIONS of hurricane Katrina victims,and even build houses for some of them.This dream is important because i live only ONE life,and i should live it to the fullest,without dying with regrets.In order to make full use of my life,i should not only have a part in one life,but play a part to improve other people's life.In order to achieve this mega-dream,i must work on my own life first before trying to help others.Everyone's life starts of like block of wood,the environment surrounding the block of wood will have an effect on it's sculpting quality and foundation.After that,you begin to sculpt out a career,a dream,a goal.Imagine you are the block of wood,the environments surrounding you could be poverty,abuse,peer pressure,ill health etc.(This is just one of many stupid,idiotic phrases i have stuck in my brain.)Anyway,to have a dream,means to have a goal.A goal is the ultimate target in life that you have,so that after achieving it,and even if you have to die,you would have no regrets.So,of course it is important to have a dream in life.Or not,is life worth living?
a) What is your dream?
- my dream is to be a great drummer. (:
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?
- it makes me have a goal in life.
c) How do you plan to realise your dream?
- i must work hard in practising drums.
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Why?
- yes . this helps them to get a focus and goal.
My dream is to become
a sports girl .
i love sports alot
basketball and running they are one of my favourite sports
but there are more.
i want to be a sports girl as i can keep myself fit and healthy .
a)Cant tell your my dreams that my personal matter.
b) I told you it is personal.
c) I must work harder for sure.
d) No. If their dream didn't come true, they would be very sad.
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