For this week, we will visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement.
First, click on this link.
Second, click on the heading 'Courtesy' on the left of the screen.
Third, scroll down and click on 'Courtesy Fables'.
Read the four fables and give your opinions and comments about them.
To guide you in writing your personal response, here are some questions:
1. What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
2. Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?
I hope to see 100% response rate for this week. Waiting to hear from you. Make me happy! :)
Courtesy means being polite and treating others with equal respect as you will treat yourself.the fable about kong rong rang li is really very impressive.i cant believe the differnce between the older generation and now, the 21st century! kong rong was so courteous and so respectful.unlike the 21st century where everyone is so realistic,so rude that they talk back to parents, teachers,friends.almost everyone is like that .a polite person like NERISSA TAN is 'an endangered spieces'.she is so polite that for every small little thing she does, she will add thank you,i am so sorry, excuse me and the polite words.even if she is not at fault,she will apologise.i think in our class, only a few of them are courteous, such as Nerissa and Tricia.some times they are so courteous that they drive me nuts !!!!they are like keep on apologising and don't want to accept birthday presents.we should always remember to say thank you, excuse me,i am sorry, please,may i and all the other polite words.we should be polite to everyone even if you are not familiar with them or don't know them at all, you still must show some basic manners.being polite is really important, imagine singapore with all rude people,when the tourists comes onto the singapore airlines plane,the air stewardess just give alame look and say in a bored voice ' what do you want huh ?'what will the tourists think ?what will happen ? this proves the importance of courtesy !
1.Courtesy mean to me is when people treat each other equally no matter who they are.
2.I prefer the"Four friends".I would think that the magical tree is a meter that measures the courtesy that the animal treat each other and the tree grew taller when the animals treat good.
3.Yes,we would help each other when needed.
4.I will help them when they needed my and treat them equally.
courtesy means giving in to other people.The fable that most impresses me is Four Friends. It shows that by giving in, things can be settled peacefully. I don't know of anyone courteous in the class. Do not quarrel with your family members. try to settle things harmoniously.
1. What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
It means respect and giving it to anpther person who need it more
2. Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
Kong Rong Rang Li .Because he would let his silbiling to have the bigger and sweete pearand he is willing to take the smallest one
3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
I don't think that they have courteous. They are selfish and all they think is what they want.
4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?
By respecting them andgeving what they need. *:*
>> Courtesy to me, means that you have the kind-heartedness in you & give way to people in need or even just ordinary people.
>> Err, hmm. I guess some people are courteous but most of them are not, including myself, sometimes. We think of ourselves too much & dont really care of what other people think & that is how we get into fights and quarells. A simple excuse me would be great if you want someone to push in the chair if its blocking your way would change everything then a shout like, "OI, move your chair la !" Its even in Singlish. Haaha!
>> Like what i mentioned in 2 and lots of other things like, thankyou, please, you're welcome. and all soughts of things. We should appreciate everything that a person does for us(:
i think having courtesy is very important. when you are in a bad mood and someone says a simple "good morning" to you, it actually makes you feel really good on the inside. thats why my parents always ask me to say a simple "thank you" and it has already become a habit.
Courtesy means to be polite and humble to me and simple things like saying good morning is courtesy...
The fable which the pheasant and the crow started to show courtesy to each other
Some of the pupils in our class show courtesy... royce is one of them... haha.. They show courtesy by doing simple things such as saying hi when passing by each other.
Sharing things can be courtesy... many things can be...
Courtesy means being kind and helpful towards other people and treating them with respect and it should be all the time.
It would be the 'Good Morning' fable. This shows that like eg. when a teacher walks past a student, the teacher does not expect the student to greet her first. Instead, the teacher could do it first!
I would say yes. During the days when we need to help the primary one students lead the way to the hall, I would say that we were initiative as we kept helping them instead of lazing around. Though a bit of lesson time were wasted, it was meaningful.
Well, after your parents had come home from a hard day og work, at least we could greet them and help to carry their documents etc. in school, when anyone has a problem, even the staffs, we could volunteer to help. (Like what i told Mr Tan how to let more people use a table for eating in the canteen during lunch break. )
Courtesy means being polite, respectful,giving in to others and humble.for question 2 i don't have any.i tink that some of our pupils in our class are courteous,like example peishan she is very polite.i tink that we should give in to the smaller ones,say good morning/good afternoon/good evening/good night.
courtesy is a very important things in our life
why do i say so ?
when u haVE COURTESY people will have good impression on you.
people will also respect you
and not hate you .
so that is why i think that having courtesy is very important.
we should all learn to have courtesy!
Having courtesy means being polite and treating others the way you want to be treated and also helping those in need regardless of wether they are someone we do not know or someone we know. I think that only some of our classmates are courteous the reason is because sometimes we forget about being courteous to each other and start fighting over trivial matters. However, there are also those that are very courteous. One example being Nerissa. Like what Yu Yan said,'a polite person like NERISSA TAN is 'an endangered spieces'.she is so polite that for every small little thing she does, she will add thank you,i am so sorry, excuse me and the polite words.even if she is not at fault,she will apologise.' I hope that in the future, there will be more people like Nerissa.
1. Courtesy means courtesy to me but for others, i dont know.
3. 50 50%. Because some of the pupils are very very selfish!
4. Be your ownself
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