1. Click on this link. Click on 'articles' and go to '2. Regardless of race' article'.
2. Read the article.
3. Give your personal response to what you have just read. To help you, I have given some questions for you to give your response. Here are the questions:
a) What do you think is 'racial harmony'?
b) How can misunderstanding among the various races arise?
c) What do you think of Rajah's solution? (He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights."
d) How can we encourage people of different races to be friends?
e) What do you think our school should do on Racial Harmony Day?
In writing your personal response in your blog, please write the title : Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony.
Let your comments flow. Waiting eagerly to read your responses.
People should work together as one, espacially if we are in different races.But luckily Singapore is Harmoniuos.
I believe that all the countries in the world should live happily with different races & not fight as it can cause disasters & it will be a ver dangerous planet to live in with all the wars.
I agree with the part when they say "if you dont speak the same language, and you dont trust each other, you will start to fight" I think that is really true as that is what is happening in different countries.We should try to understand each other & definetely live harmoniously.
It is the day where singaporeans; any races remember the day where a racial riot broke out in 1964. Well, such examples could be like insulting other people's traditions or ... you know. The list is endless
We can be chinese, indians or malays. But is just that how 2 paties cooperate together and be a team. Just like the ASEANS, if one country does not cooperate with another, there will be war d) How can we encourage people of different races to be friends?HMMM.... Tough question. Maybe like maintaining goood relationship? That is the best way i could think of :(
Another tough question.... Well, maybe asking the pupils to wear traditional clothes but it also can be like a chinese boy wearing a sarong and telling them the history regarding about the riots in 1965 and the things to remember such as maintaining good relationship.
i think racial harmony is living peacefully as a country and as a society.even if we are from different races , we should not mock at other people's religious beliefs or their traditions.Misunderstandings like a religion saying that the other religion's food taste wierd .Such a sentense can actually cause a riot that can affect Singapore's peace.I think even if we are from differnt races,we can live in peace.But if there are no religions,there can be even more fights ! Because there is no beliefs, so the people will fight over what they believe.we can have team-coorperation activities that needs people from different races to work together.i think that we should have an exibitions and let students understand about other races.
Racial Harmony is different races living together in peace...I thing racial riots occur when some people spread ridiculious rumours and cause people to start to misunderstand each other. Singapore is a multi-racial country.
In the editting ws, one man's simple word can start a revolution. Such things are destructive and may start a misunderstanding between different races which can even throw a country into chaos.
Rajah's solution is simple but effective. We would not fight if people agree to ignore of their races and live in harmony.
We can encourage people frm differnt races to be friends by letting them understand the meaning of racial harmony.
The school should organise a stage show where different races hold their hands side by side, symbolising that different people from different races can live in harmony.
a) I tink that 'racial harmony' is that everyone must work,share and play together.
b) I tink that someone can make up stories and just blame it on the person that he/she hates.
c) I tink that it is a positive way of letting different races communicate,play and chat together
d) We can encourage them by saying there's no difference in every different race it is just a race and there's no harm in making friend's with different races as we can learn alot from them.
e) What do you think our school should do on Racial Harmony Day?
i tink that we should let all the pupils and teacher's of different races to let them know their culture.
Hello aaa.belle.You spelled 'harmonious' wrongly.Anyway,i think racial harmony in a country is important because it helps to unite the citizens as one.There's this phrase in the spiderman 3 movie that i think is quite suitable for racial harmony.Its called something like 'you're your own worst enemy.So it means that if a country that has many races that discriminate each other,the country will end up in turmoil.In another words,UNITED WE STAND,DIVIDED WE FALL!One more thing,what on earth does PeiYu's comment have to do with racial harmony?!
a) What do you think is 'racial harmony'?
I think that it is living togeter regardless of race
b) How can misunderstanding among the various races arise?
I think that they are totally diffrent and have diffrent belife and they migt have bad comment about them which made them have a misunderstading.
c) What do you think of Rajah's solution? (He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights."
I think that is a little of forgeting our rae but i do agree of being the same as everyone
d) How can we encourage people of different races to be friends?
I think iviting them to our house during special occasion and teach the more about the race and their culture.
e) What do you think our school should do on Racial Harmony Day?
I think we should have a little party with each race traditional food
i think racial harmony day is important because it helps to be together as a nation.
Racial harmony is very important,not only in Singarpore,in China too.There are 56 races in China,and because of different race,Lasa have people distroying the shops.There is even a doctor been hitten just he saved a 5 years old gils which in another race.If everybody can live together harmoniuosly,there will not be people calling us China pig and looked down on us.
Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony
Racial hramony is living together peacefully.I htink that when people from other races spread awful rumours to outside about other races and may cause misunderstanding.
I disagree Rajah's idea as if we do not have religons, people would not respect us and we maybe have even moe fights!I wil be friends with other races.The school maybe have a exibition of the histroy of different races.
I believe that race and religion do not matter as we can make friends with anyone we want.But I think that we should not make fun of other religions or crack jokes about it. Doing this to an extend can cause racial riots like the one when singapore had just become an independent country.I find that starting a racial riot is of no use as many lives will be lost or at risk. So I hope that people all over the world will live in peace and harmony.
a)I think Racial Harmony is people who have different races like Chinese , Indian , Malay , Although we are different in races . we also can be good friends . We must not have arguements .We must cherish each other although we are different people , different races .
b)Two Indians pupils met a chinese pupil , one of the indians students said that chinese are not a good pupil/friend , when the chinese pupil heard it it soon argue with the two indians pupils .
C)I think Rajah's Solution :(He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights.:D I argree with Rajah , because when there are no races and will be no more fights .
D)I can encourage them by telling them that we should not argue to each other and work together as a group to be a good singaporean , to make singapore a happier place . :D
E) I think we should have a activity which races can work together as a team .This activity helps different races people working together as a team to finish this activity .
I think Racial harmony is about people from different race and religion living together harmoniously. Misunderstandings usually arise because people from other races do not understand the culture and religion of other races.I think Rajah's solution would not work as even though there are no races, misunderstandings will still arise because of other reaons such as skin colour.Our school should make people wear other clothes from other races for Racial Harmony Day
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