1. Click on this link. Click on 'articles' and go to '2. Regardless of race' article'.
2. Read the article.
3. Give your personal response to what you have just read. To help you, I have given some questions for you to give your response. Here are the questions:
a) What do you think is 'racial harmony'?
b) How can misunderstanding among the various races arise?
c) What do you think of Rajah's solution? (He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights."
d) How can we encourage people of different races to be friends?
e) What do you think our school should do on Racial Harmony Day?
In writing your personal response in your blog, please write the title : Personal Response 1 : Racial Harmony.
Let your comments flow. Waiting eagerly to read your responses.